Thursday, August 09, 2012

Fla. School Superintendent Backs Down From Evicting Church Over Homosexuality

A Florida school superintendent has backed down from evicting a church that meets in a public school over its opposition to homosexuality.

Alberto Carvalho, superintendent of Miami-Dade County Public Schools, sent a memo to the school board last week stating that "no action" would be taken after all against Impact Church in Miami, which meets at North Miami High School.

"The school district acknowledges the constitutional right of all persons to express themselves freely," reads the memo in part. "Our firm belief is that, under the law, constitutionally protected freedom of speech for all, including those who lease our facilities, must be observed even when it may be perceived as offensive to some."

Jack Hakimian, pastor at Impact Church, told The Christian Post that he believed the superintendent's change of mind was not a change of heart but rather done for legal reasons.

"I think that he was advised to basically not pursue the matter because there was no constitutional basis, but he's definitely not apologizing," said Hakimian.

"We're definitely safe for now. We'll see what happens next year when our lease comes to renewal … of course we get first priority so it will be interesting to see what they do next year." Read more

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