Monday, August 06, 2012

Groton parish leaves home for good

Bishop Seabury congregation bids farewell to building after break with Episcopal Church

Six years after the congregation declared itself unable to fully participate in The Episcopal Church, the parishioners and clergy of the Bishop Seabury Anglican Church held their last service in their building on Sunday.

The service was emotional as parishioners frequently broke out in tears. They hugged often and held hands. The majority of the Prayers of the People portion of the worship focused on the congregation's departing and the unknown challenges that lie ahead.

"The sights, the sounds and the smell of this building remind me of home," April Head said aloud, kneeling behind a pew. "This place has been a constant in my life, but I've learned that there are constants in life and one of them is change. Lord, where you go we will go. Prepare a new home for us, Father, keep us as a family."

Beginning Aug. 12, services will be held at the Groton Inn and Suites until a more permanent home for the congregation can be found. Read more

Read also:
After A Long Fight, Bishop Seabury Church Holds Last Service In Building Sunday
A church was forced to close it's doors

Photo: Tina Detelj

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