Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Note to Pastors: The Size and Growth of the Church is Not Up to Us

No, I don’t actually have a note on my desk reminding me that the size of my church isn’t up to me. But maybe I should. Maybe a lot of us should.

I know one thing for sure. If the size of my church was up to me, it would have been a lot bigger a long time ago.

And yes, I know the drill. Just preach the Word, train disciples, reach people, remove obstacles and the church will grow, won’t it? It’s inevitable, right?

I’ve already written several articles refuting that false belief, (check the end of this post for some of them) so I won’t do it again here.

But in spite of the fact that I know it’s not true, sometimes I still want it to be true.

After all, it just makes sense. How can a church be healthy and strong, but not grow numerically? It seems counterintuitive and … I don’t know … wrong somehow. But that’s reality. A lot of healthy churches don’t grow numerically.

No matter how many right principles we follow, how well we preach and promote it, or how many obstacles to growth we remove, some churches Just. Don’t. Get. Bigger!

Aaaargh! Keep reading

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