Thursday, March 12, 2015

Why YOUR Church Isn’t THE Church (And 5 Liberating Truths About That Fact)

When you’re a church leader, you tend to feel a lot of pressure.

A key source of that pressure is that you’re leading a church.

Your church is on a mission. Quite literally, it’s on a mission from God.

And the terms of that mission are written within the scriptures…a document everyone who attends your church (and even those who don’t) can read any time they want. And a document you hopefully read daily.

As a result, many people have opinions on what your church should be doing or shouldn’t be doing.

And even as you read the scripture, you probably find yourself thinking we should do more of X, or I think we need to introduce Y so we can be more faithful to church’s mission.

Most local church leaders feel a deep pressure to do everything they read about in the bible in their church. After all, you lead a church.

But should you? Keep reading

Photo credit: Trinity Episcopal Church, Fulton, Kentcky

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