Thursday, March 11, 2021

Small Group Evaluation Questions

On the Small Group Network Facebook group, I recently asked for suggestions for questions group leaders could use to evaluate their group. Boy, did I get some great ideas! I have in mind that you could copy and paste these and pass alone to your small group leaders. They could use them to evaluate each small group session.

I would emphasize to your group to try to use the list to come up with ONE improvement they could work on each week. It could be overwhelming to work on more.

Another idea surfaced in response to my question. That is, a list of questions a group leader might use to evaluate the overall health of the group.

So, here is what I have in mind: A One Page Evaluation Sheet. On one side of the page is evaluation related to an individual group session. On the other side are questions related to the overall health of the group. Everyone has a little different philosophy of small groups, so feel free to adapt and edit to your situation. (We would love to see your completed list. Feel free to copy and paste them into the comments below.) Read More

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