Monday, November 13, 2023

Monday's Catch: 'Leverage Thanksgiving as an Outreach Opportunity' And More

Leverage Thanksgiving as an Outreach Opportunity
There are a few practical ways you and your church can leverage Thanksgiving as an outreach opportunity in your community.

10 Reasons Why a Small Church Tends To Stay Small
"These are simply my observations as to why a stagnant, ungrowing small church tend to stay that way. I send it forth hoping to plant some seed in the imagination of a pastor or other leader who will be used of the Lord to do great things in a small church."

The ONE Big Change Taking Place in Church Hiring Practices (and It’s Under the Radar)
There is a massive movement from full-time church staff to part-time. Don’t yawn. You probably know that reality already. But second, here is the overall reason for the change. Church leaders view staff positions dramatically differently than they did just ten years ago. More church staff are indeed becoming part time. That’s the “what.” But let’s uncover the “why” to explain this movement.

The Rewards Are Greater Than the Risk of Developing Younger Leaders
Wise leaders often think about the risk and the reward in their decision-making, and when it comes to the decision to develop younger leaders, the reward is always greater than risk.

6 Ways To Increase Influence With People Who May Not Fully Trust You
"Recently I was meeting with a wonderful group of leaders and we were discussing how to increase influence with those who may not fully be trusting their leadership.The following are six pieces of advice I gave them...."

Real Men Don’t Sing? Not So Fast...
Our calling is to model for the next generation how to worship. Men, husbands, and dads aren’t exempt from that responsibility. So, with that understanding, are we modeling for our children that real men don’t sing or that joyful noise singing is unreservedly what real men do?

VOICES: What does the Bible tell us about bearing false witness?
We live in an era of great deception and manipulation, where people have no issue with lying, especially if it serves their own selfish interests. Of course, this has always been the case, as mankind has been sinful since the fall. But in our digital media-driven society, the opportunity for bearing false witness, and destroying someone’s reputation through lies and slander, has proliferated fast and furiously alongside the dozens of social media apps that put a microphone, camera, and keyboard into the hands of billions around the globe.

Most Christians think AI isn't good for the Church: study
As some pastors experiment with using artificial intelligence to generate a church sermon, a new study released by Barna shows that the majority of Christians don’t believe AI is good for the Church.

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