Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Tuesday's Catch: 'A Fresh Approach to Reengaging the Disengaged in Your Church

A Fresh Approach to Reengaging the Disengaged in Your Church
Are you struggling to reengage your church community post-pandemic? Discover why traditional methods are failing and how a fresh, incremental approach can revitalize participation and commitment in your congregation.

Want Your Small Church to Be Great? Make Good Small-Church Choices
A church doesn’t need to be big to make good decisions. It's a matter of quality, not quantity.

Stop Complicating Ministry: Why Keeping It Simple Is Always Better
Ministry will never be easy, but it doesn’t have to be as complicated as we make it.

4 Attitudes You Can Choose Today
"Sometimes God takes me back to kindergarten, spiritually speaking. I spend time reading theological treatises, but I sometimes forget the most basic and simple of truths. Here’s one of those basic truths I sometimes struggle with: We choose our attitudes."

In the face of endemic loneliness, belonging is the proven antidote
In today's technologically advanced world, we take instant communication for granted. We have the ability to connect with somebody on the other side of the world, using a device no bigger than the palm of our hand. And yet it appears that as a nation we have never found it more difficult to build meaningful connections with those around us.

The Relational Joy of Small Groups
Rather than encouraging groups to meet and discuss curriculum in the hopes that they will build relationships along the way, a right-brain oriented small group ministry opts to have their groups meet and seek fellowship with one another and explore curriculum through the context of relationships.

The Cincinnati Bengals . . . and Discipleship
"I realize this post is an unusual one for me, but I trust it makes sense at the end. I started writing this post on a plane going from Atlanta to Cincinnati to speak in a church meeting Sunday and Monday. As a native of Cincinnati and a life-long fan of the Cincinnati Bengals, I was excited to see Bengals fans all around me as they made their way to the city for Sunday night’s football game between the Bengals and the Buffalo Bills. It seemed like everyone on this flight was a Bengals fan."

Evangelism: Today’s Christian Curse Word
Most of us cringe at the word evangelism. Christians I talk to are creeped out by it, uncomfortable, and want to run as far away from “witnessing” as possible. Evangelism, witnessing, and sharing the gospel has a horrible image.

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