Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Wednesday's Catch: 'New Kinds of Churches Really Are the Hope of the Future' And More

New Kinds of Churches Really Are the Hope of the Future 
"This week I came across two news stories from different Anglican dioceses on opposite sides of the world, one of which heartened me greatly," writes Michael Frost.

VOICES: America, don’t give up on Gen Z
Is Gen Z really a lost cause, or might my generation actually be a reason to have renewed hope in America’s future?

What Does the Visual Layout of Our Churches Say About Worship?
What is the impact of how our worship services appear?

Worship Music Versus Group Singing. What We’ve Gained and What We’ve Lost
In most churches today, the worship time has become a concert. People love the music, but they don’t know the words, and so they just watch. I visit churches pretty much for a living, and as I look around during the services, the vast numbers of the congregation are watching the stage and listening – not singing.

Seven Tips to Make Sermon Points More Memorable
How can you make your sermon points more memorable?

A More Spontaneous and Genuine Evangelism
It was not Jesus’ intent to say that the individual Christian must change locations in order to evangelize. But it is most certainly the whole church’s responsibility to see to it that we make disciples where we are, now. Evangelism is not to be done later when the move takes place, or when the trip is taken to another far off country, or when the special evangelistic project commences, though it is certainly inclusive of these.

Syncretism: Don’t Mix Prosperity Heresy with Evangelism
Poor contextualization results in syncretism—the blending of ideas to the extent that the core meaning is changed beyond recognition.

Pro-Gay Theology Advocates Are Repeating the Mistakes of the Past
The push to normalize homosexuality within the church is not letting up. One of the arguments pro-gay theology advocates make is that Christians have made grievous interpretive errors in the past and are making the same mistake with homosexuality today. When you look closer at the details of their claim, it turns out pro-gay theology advocates are the ones who are repeating yesterday’s errors.

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