Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Tuesday's Catch: 'You Can’t Fix What You Can’t See – 6 Steps to Define and Redesign Your Church' And More

You Can’t Fix What You Can’t See – 6 Steps to Define and Redesign Your Church
Does your current ministry model seem clear? Strategic? Intentional? A clear, strategic, and intentional approach to ministry isn't unholy. The opposite, in fact. Contributing to the Great Commission doesn't happen by accident. The more intentional we are in ministry, the better we position our church and ministry for God to work through it. Here's a question you must answer: If an outsider saw your ministry model, would it appear intentionally designed to move people along a discipleship journey?

An Urgent Plea to Churches
College students bring enthusiasm and potential to a local church, and many, if not most churches do a poor job of reaching these students. In fact, many churches lose their high school graduates when they go to college and don’t regain them (if they do) until they get married and have children.
However, married couples who went to church during their childhood and youth are not returning to church when they have children like they once did.
10 Ways to Reach Unchurched People at Christmas
The biggest mistake many churches make each Christmas is to hold a quiet Christmas Eve or Christmas Day service for members and leave it at that.

Christianity and Violence
The contemporary resurgence of religion seems to go hand in hand with the resurgence of religiously legitimized violence.... Hence, the argument goes, it is necessary to weaken, neutralize, or outright eliminate religion as a factor in public life.
While Jesus, when he found people in the temple, profiteering from the worship in the teemple and the payment of the temple tax, he made a whip of cords, he drove all of them out of the temple, the sheep and the cattle they were selling with them, he does NOT advocate the use of physical violence in his teaching. The advocacy of violence against minority groups by online influencers who purport to be Christians is not consistant with what Jesus taught. The killing or assaulting of members of minority groups is not something that geniune disciples of Jesus can or should condone if they are truly seeking to live their lives according to his teaching.
Character Over Competence in Deciding on and Developing Leaders
Younger leaders have been passionately challenged with messages like: Don’t peak too soon. Your platform must not be bigger than the person you are becoming. Don’t let your gifting outpace your integrity.The messages are wise, good, and true. We must declare messages about the importance of character to younger leaders AND we must design our leadership development to be more about character than competence.

How to Choose the Best AED For Church
An AED, or automated external defibrillator, is a life-saving medical device that can treat sudden cardiac arrest. When someone goes into cardiac arrest, their heart stops beating, and they stop breathing. AEDs are designed to be used by laypeople with little or no medical training and can be found in public places like churches. With so many models on the market, knowing which AED is right for your church can be difficult. Here’s how to choose the best AED for church.

Celebrating Thanksgiving with Your Small Group
Small groups are a good avenue for expressing thanks in tangible ways. Here are two practical ideas for celebrating Thanksgiving as a group.

Saying Thank You
In your every day and holiday choices you can express gratitude to the Creator and Creation. Your actions speak loudest. Here are some suggestions.

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