Friday, May 31, 2024

Friday's Catch: "With strawberries and goats, a ‘farmastery’ reaches out to its neighbors" And More

Part of the new monastic movement began three decades ago among lay Protestants, Spring Forest is a model for how Christians can work, eat and worship as a community.

Global Christian community invited to gather in 25 hours of prayer and worship
In what is shaping up to be a pivotal moment in the mission of the global church, Christians from around the world will make use of the latest advances in technology to gather together from all the corners of the Earth. On 1 March 2025, believers from every denomination and every continent will join together in prayer, worship, repentance, and commissioning across a 25-hour period.

Heat Action Day to Focus on Awareness of Extreme Temperature Risks
Summertime for churches can be a season of more relaxed worship, fun outdoor activities and the ever-popular ice cream social. Thanks to the global climate crisis, however, summer is now a time of extreme heat that threatens the health of many in church and community. "Heat Action Day" on June 2 will focus on awareness of how extreme heat affects both humans and the environment. Founded by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the world’s largest humanitarian network, the observance aims to prepare individuals and communities to #BeatTheHeat.

5 Ways You (and the People in your Church) Will Grow This Year
Here are five ways God will grow you and the people in your church through weakness....

Navigating Seasons of Feeling Unseen
Once we sit with the pain of feeling unseen and meditate on the truth that God hasn’t forgotten us, we can move forward in hope and healing.

How stupidity is an existential threat to America
Although the term "stupidity" may seem derogatory or insulting, it is actually a scientific concept that refers to a specific type of cognitive failure. It is important to realize that stupidity is not simply a lack of intelligence or knowledge, but rather a failure to use one's cognitive abilities effectively.

Spiritual Gifts Are How Jesus Continues His Ministry
Jesus promised that after he was gone, he would continue to build his church. By his Spirit. Through his disciples. Both of those phrases matter. But for some of us, we skip the Spirit and chug along our merry way. It’s as if we imagine that when Jesus was physically here on earth, he did the work by his power; but now that he’s gone, we do the work for him. Nope. The same Spirit is at work in both: Just like Jesus was doing the work when he walked around Jerusalem, so now he’s doing the work through us, by the Spirit.

A Key Role Every Pastor should Fill each Sunday
...if you are a pastor, put on not only your leading hat or your teaching hat this Sunday. Put on your cheerleader hat as well.

To All Graduates
God has a plan. He will pursue you. He will use you mightily—just trust him.

Tech and Faith: Integrating Technology in Sunday School
Do tech and faith go together? Can we tell the “old, old story” in ways that connect with digital natives? In the 21st century, using technology at church seems inevitable. Sunday school teachers who use technology in ministry can boost engagement and learning. So let’s see how modernizing children’s ministry fosters deeper faith.

Leaderless Small Groups
The number of groups any church can launch and maintain is limited by the number of leaders available. It’s simple. If you have a leader, you have a group. If you don’t have a leader, then no group. The problem is most churches can’t recruit all of the leaders they need to meet the demand for groups. The problem goes even further because most people don’t regard themselves as being any kind of a leader. Without more leaders, how do you launch more groups?

We Are All Late Bloomers
Though we often relegate our use of “late bloomer” to describe a child, the anxieties remind me of ones I face myself and hear from those I counsel. It’s mostly anxiety about spiritual growth and development.

Imperfect Vessels: God’s Glorious Plan to Use Us All
You don't need to be perfect for God to use you. God uses imperfect people.

UMC Faces Turbulence Over LGBTQ Bans' Removal
What was the editor of United Methodist Insight expecting to happen?

Image Credit: RNS photo/Yonat Shimron

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