Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tuesday' Catch: 'Understanding the Places Your Called To' And More

The stories of news media and Hollywood often focus on major coastal cities. But God is at work everywhere and the small towns and rural communities of North America are a testimony to God’s goodness. In this interview, Brad Roth, Mennonite pastor and award-winning author, shares about the importance of place, people watching and recognizing people for who God believes they can be.

Dear Pastor, You’re an Apologist
Scripture envisions churches full of apologists, led by apologists. Pastors must reclaim the biblical mandate of being an apologist.

Defending the Gospel Truth
When it comes to apologetics, many church leaders avoid it altogether. This is unfortunate, especially considering the current climate of doubt, deconstruction and dechurching metastasizing across the American church landscape. Reasons vary as to why they resist apologetics, but here are four common excuses I have heard throughout my ministry career....

12 Things Not To Say in a Small Group
You know what you should say. You know what you need to talk about, but you’re not so clear on what you shouldn’t say.

Church membership
We do not join a church to “buy” ourselves services or rights. We join to commit ourselves to serving those to whom God himself has committed himself in his love.

6 Ways to Find Green Grass in the Desert
Chuck Lawless explans how to find green grass in the spiritual dry places.

Old Age Syndromes to Avoid
Barbara Lee Harpr wh says she's been aroound the bock a few times describes some beahviors she wants to avoid.

The Power to Obey the Great Commission
...s important as it is to understand what Jesus calls us to, knowing how we are able to obey this calling is perhaps the most important part of the Great Commission. Before and after the text quoted above, Jesus gives us two important truths, truths without which we would have no hope of accomplishing the task he has given us.

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