Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Wednesday's Catch: 'Church Growth: How to Reach 100 New Guests This Year' And More

Church Growth: How to Reach 100 New Guests This Year
Most churches want church growth. Most churches want to reach 100 new guests. They take the Great Commission seriously and want church growth to make a positive difference for the Kingdom. At the same time, we’re coming to grips with the fact that fewer and fewer people are attending church. Even regular members show up more infrequently than in years gone by.

Where are they now?
...the No. 1 challenge I see — at our church and your church — is trying to figure out who’s missing. We are four years out from the start of the pandemic and most churches have not figured out how to keep track of people in the new environment.

10 Church Growth Myths That Ruin Pastors
There’s a lot of discussion that goes on about church growth: what causes it; how to generate it; prepare for it; launch it; build it; cultivate it and even, to some degree, manufacture it. Many of the discussions are helpful, but there are a number of subtle beliefs that still creep up that aren’t healthy. In fact, they’re downright superstitious and, at times, dangerous to the church. They are church growth myths.

Travel Sports Create Issues and Opportunities for Families and Churches
Based on their perspective on missing services for travel sports, many churchgoers see the potential impact differently than their pastors.

How to Create Effective On-Ramps for Church Engagement
Struggling to increase church participation? Discover why traditional engagement methods aren't working and how you can create easy, effective on-ramps to grow engagement.

13 Signs Your Organization Has A Healthy Learning Culture
Let’s combine two leadership concepts. First is culture. Seth Godin says, “Culture is 11 words – This is who we are and this is what we do.” Second, is continual learning. Smart leaders are passionate about personal growth and part of growth is constant learning. Combining these two fundamental leadership concepts results in the creation of a learning culture.

9 Reasons People Aren't Singing in Church
Worship leaders around the world are sadly changing their church’s worship (often unintentionally) into a spectator event, and people aren’t singing anymore.

Are Worshippers Looking for More Authentic Worship Void of High-Production Elements
As worship leaders/planners, we need to identify and eliminate as many distractions as possible so that we can create an environment that helps people to connect with God. Further, we, as worship leaders, must see ourselves as prompters, or guides, that are helping the people to participate in offering their worship and praise. We should never envision ourselves as performers and the congregation as an audience–we should help the people experience God without calling attention to ourselves.

3 Crucial Church Website Objectives
There are three primary church website objectives (and numerous secondary objectives) that you need to consider and then put into your church website. Those objectives are to: attract, inform, and inspire.

Few Churchgoers Actively Engaged With Prison Ministry
Churchgoers express interest in prison ministry that outpaces their actual ministry experience in this area.

7 simple and surprising ways to help accelerate your teenagers’ spiritual growth
Greg Stier shares seven simple and surprising ways to acclerate your teenagers’ spiritual growth.

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