Saturday, July 27, 2024

Saturday Lagniappe: 'What’s Needed to Be a Church Planting Leader?' And More

Church planting requires a certain set of skills—organization, initiative, patience and passion, just to name a few. These skills are especially required for a church planting leader. To last long term in this capacity without burnout requires some forethought and consideration. Here are some thoughts on how to lead well in this position.

Why Are Conversions Down So Much in Churches? Part 1: The Demographic Challenge
All the data points to steep declines in conversions in churches in recent years. In this first of two parts, Thom and Jess look at the aging of church members as a major issue.

Why Are Conversions Down So Much in Churches? Part 2: The Priority Challenge
All the data points to steep declines in conversions in churches in recent years. In this second of two parts, Thom and Jess examine why evangelism has become a lower priority in churches today.

The Burge Report: Retention Rates in Churches Are Not What They Used to Be (Here’s Why)
How many people are really leaving their childhood faith? Ryan Burge joins Thom and Sam on this special episode to unpack important data for churches. Retention rates are a good indicator of how well a church disciples people. Keeping people is a major part of church health. The hosts discuss the data concerning national trends with church retention.

Three Powerful Relational Connections for Churches
Church members have many opportunities to connect with members of their community. Thom shares some of the ways effective churches are doing it.

Three Unconventional (But Highly Effective) Ways to Get Your Community to Come to Your Church
In this episode, Thom looks at three ways some churches are reaching out to their communities. These are not traditional types of outreach, but they are proving to be highly effective.

How to Grow a Church through a Pastor’s Class
Thom and Jess examine the power of groups in a church, focusing specifically on including a pastor’s class. It is absolutely amazing how many people, both church members and non-members, will join this class.

How To Respond When a Pastor Or Ministry Leader Experiences a Serious Failing
If you’re a church leader, elder, board member, or know someone who is, this is a critical list you should share and keep handy just in case a crisis happens in your church....

Rebuilding Your Reputation after a Church Scandal
Proverbs 22:1 makes clear, “Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold.” (NLT) How can a church recover after a scandal? What are some ways a congregation can begin to rebuild a reputation? Thom and Sam discuss some steps forward for these churches.

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