Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Wednesday's Catch: 'The Great Commission and 3 Types of Churches' And More

The Great Commission and 3 Types of Churches
Church leaders don’t have the freedom other organizational leaders have – the freedom to whiteboard, discuss, and create a mission for their organizations. We already have our mission. Sure, we can state the mission in contextual language for our churches, but the mission has already been given and it is clear.

A Thirty-Year Look-Back at the Biggest Changes in the American Church
In this episode of Rainer on Leadership, Sam asks Thom about some of the biggest shifts in the American church in the last thirty years. They discuss what has changed and why the shifts occurred. Some things changed for the better, and others changed for the worse.

Spiritual directors meet spiritually curious people where they are
The popularity of spiritual direction can be attributed in part to its emphasis on facilitating instead of advice-giving and theology-spewing.
Viewing the practice of spirituality as exclusively individualistic is a development that is increasingly becoming the mindset in our culture which emphasizes individualism and elevates the self.
Changing History and Eternity By Seeking Out the Lonely
A church intentional about reaching the lonely and the outcasts can have a lasting impact on their community and far beyond.

Welcoming refugees is an opportunity for churches to practice the ministry of hospitality
As heated debates about immigration continue on the national stage, it is more important than ever for Christians to practice compassion to the vulnerable and the stranger — to shape the conversation around immigration toward greater hospitality instead of being shaped by inflammatory political rhetoric.

Moving from Ministry FOR the People to Ministry WITH the People
Many congregations actively engage in community outreach activities that provide essential resources to those in need within our communities. While outreach is crucial, we must also strive to engage with people, fostering genuine relationships and shared efforts in our ministries. Doug Powe, of the Lewis Center staff, offers invitation and involvement as two ways congregations can move from community outreach to engagement.

A Biblically Relevant Response to the Paris Olympic Opening Ceremonies: Paul at Mars Hill
“What is a Christlike (or Apostle Paul-like) response?”

Christian settlement becomes UK's newest UNESCO World Heritage Site
A centuries-old Christian settlement in Northern Ireland has been added to the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Gracehill Moravian Church settlement was founded in County Antrim in 1759. It has been granted World Heritage status after a transnational effort led by the US to add 18th century Moravian Church settlements to the list. Other sites in the campaign include Herrnhut, Germany, and Bethlehem in the US.

What Is Revival? A Guide for Gen Z
Greg Stier wrotes this blog back in 2023. It is relevant today as it was then.

Worship Spectators or Participators?
We cannot worship God by proxy. We either worship God ourselves or we do not worship God at all.

The Art of Storytelling: Making Bible Tales Come Alive The art of storytelling is powerful, especially for teaching children. Action-packed accounts captivate minds and hearts. In children’s ministry, storytelling transforms biblical text into memorable adventures.

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