At the coming February meeting of the General Synod of the Church of England there will be a presentation on the ARCIC report Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ, given by the Bishop of Guildford, the Rt Revd Christopher Hill, and the Roman Catholic Auxiliary Bishop in Westminster, the Rt Revd George Slack. The presentation will be followed by a debate on the theology--how far Anglicans and Roman Catholics can share a common faith concerning Mary, and the authority and status of the two Roman Catholic dogmas of the immaculate conception of Mary, promulgated in 1854, and her assumption, promulgated as recently as 1950. The motion also encourages Anglicans to study the report wherever possible with their Roman Catholic neighbours.
For GS 1818 Briefing paper by FOAG on ARCIC II - Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ [PDF], click here.
For GS Misc 872 FOAG Essays on ARCIC II - Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ [PDF], click here.
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