Unity is not a "good" thing-unity is a great thing. Unity is not a "nice" thing-unity is a necessary thing. Come into the Catholic Church for the right reason. Seek unity because it is what Christ commanded (not "suggested"). Seek communion with Rome because it is right.
We stood in a circle speaking about how excited we were that the Ordinariate looked so close. We were encouraging one another with our mere presence in the room. "I'm so glad that we are able to keep our liturgy", one said. Another relayed his enthusiasm that, "the Pope is so gracious to allow the soon-to-be-former-Bishops so many privileges". "This is what I've been praying about for so many years now", someone else said. A priest in the circle said, "unity is so important, I'm glad that we have this opportunity to come into communion with the Catholic Church." After much discussion with the owner of the last comment, it became apparent to me that he saw the Ordinariate as an ecumenical venture that would lead toward a stronger Church. Although this is true, that is not the whole picture.
I know quite a few people who are looking forward to the establishment of the Ordinariate here in the USA. Each one seems to have a slightly different reason for their anticipation. Each of us have been driven in this direction because of the experiences and events that God has put us and/or the parishes we are a part of through. It has been discussed before that there is a vital distinction between "running to" the Catholic Church, and "running away" from whatever it is you are leaving behind. Yet, on the side of "running to" it is not hard to get confused and have it appear that we are "running to" the Catholic Church, when we are really "running to" something peripheral to the Church herself.
To read the full article, click here.
I anticipate that this particular view of Christian unity, that is, true Christian unity is found in Communion with the Church of Rome, will be strongly promoted in the United States and elsewhere in the coming months. The Vatican has been promoting a similar view through its spokesmen and the Roman Catholic media. It is consistent with the Church of Rome's claim that it is the only true Church.
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