The first Anglicans officially joined the Catholic Church at Westminster Cathedral on January 1. Three former Anglican bishops, two of their wives and three former Anglican nuns took communion in a Catholic service.
The group was received into the Catholic Church and then confirmed as Catholics. The former bishops are expected to be ordained as Catholic priests on January 15....
This is the small beginning of an organization that will soon impact the whole world....
These are early days for the new Ordinate, but before it has even been established, congregations around the world are lining up to join. Bible prophecy clearly shows that the Vatican will gather all its Protestant daughters back under its authority. At the moment it is asking nicely. Soon it will be by force.
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These are early days for the new Ordinariate, but before it has even been established, congregations around the world are lining up to join. Bible prophecy clearly shows that the Vatican will gather all its Protestant daughters back under its authority. At the moment it is asking nicely. Soon it will be by force.
I believe this is just knee-jerk reaction. Rome cannot force anything, not in its weakened state. While I don't support becoming a Roman Catholic, I also don't support making them out to be Satan's spawn, and that's what this article does.
The Trumpet has its own agenda, I agree. I dropped my own comment after reading a couple of the articles that were listed as related articles on the web site. The article itself does not play the Satan's spawn card but the related articles do. I am not interested in starting a discussion of whether the Pope is the Anti-Christ, the Roman Catholic Church, the temple of Satan, and so on. I do not believe that it would be productive. My critics and detractors already exploit the comments of a number of my readers to discredit my views, portraying as my views the views expressed in the comments even though I have neither expressed agreement nor disagreement with these views. I am dismissed as a crank who attracts cranks, an extremist who attracts extremists, and so on.
What concerns me is the use to which a number of former Anglo-Catholics and cradle Roman Catholics in the Roman Catholic Church are urging that the personal ordinariates should be put. I hear nothing from the Vatican that assures me that this will not be the case. The temptation to promote "a new kind of Anglicanism within the Catholic Church" as the only genuine article is very strong and I do not see the Roman Catholic Church resisting that temptation.
Well, the people who are going to the Roman Catholic Church were headed that way anyway. They were Romans in Anglican clothing, and were really in the wrong church to begin with. This is a tight-rope walked by Anglo-Catholics, and it seems they have finally found the end of the rope, and have found that its Rome.
However, one can be Anglo-Catholic without being an Anglican Catholic. If you embrace one aspect without taking the rest into account (for instance, the Anglo-Evangelical wing), you are looking for much trouble. We have enough trouble between the Calvinists and the Armenians (both groups coming from the Continental Reformation). We really don't need more things to split us.
I think you wrote elsewhere where there should be a High Church jurisdiction and a Low Church jurisdiction. I think Bishop Robinson also made that statement a while back (or maybe he told me that in person, I can't remember). Anglicans might be better served with the Episcopal Church serving the Unitarian Gnostics, GAFCON serving the Anglican Evangelicals, and maybe the Anglican Catholic Church (and the rest of the Continuum) serving the High Church/Anglo-Catholics. But as you have been saying all along, the ACNA has lined itself up along the Catholic front already. Maybe you'll have to do something with the Heritage Anglicans (but we need another jurisdiction like we need a hole in the head). The answer is out there, but it requires much prayer and fasting.
I am not going to claim to know the answer. Let us pray that God will show it to us.
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