Benedict XVI appointed Father Keith Newton, former Anglican bishop, as the first ordinary for the new Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham. The Vatican press office announced Saturday that Father Newton, 58, was chosen by the Pope to head the newly erected ordinariate in England and Wales for those groups of Anglican clergy and faithful who have expressed their desire to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church.
The priest was one of three former Anglican bishops who were ordained to the Catholic priesthood on Saturday in Westminster Cathedral. The other two are Father Andrew Burnham and Father John Broadhurst.
Upon hearing of his appointment, Father Newton stated: "I can look back at over 35 years of ordained ministry with tremendous gratitude.
"The Church of England nourished me in the Christian faith and it was within her that I discovered, as a teenager, my vocation to the ordained ministry which has involved service both in England and Africa.
"I do not see my reception into the Catholic Church as a radical break but part of the ongoing pilgrimage of faith which began at my baptism. Since my teenage years I have longed and prayed for corporate unity with the Catholic Church and the publication of the apostolic constitution has offered the possibility of realizing that dream."
The priest expressed particular gratitude to the Anglican archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, "for his patience and graciousness with those of us who have been exploring our way forward over the last few months."
He concluded, "I hope the ordinariate will be a gift to the Catholic Church and that I, together with those priests and people who join the ordinariate, will be of service to the whole Church."
To read the full article, click here.
To read the Curriculum Vitaes of the three former Anglican bishops ordained as Roman Catholic priests on January 15, 2010, click here.
1 comment:
The picture at the heading has inspired me to post the following which so called "Anglicans" must by virtue of association accept as part of their new church:
"Patrona del deporte Nacional.
Una de las principales misiones de los que somos cristianos y marianos es promulgar la palabra de Jesús, Pastorcito Divino, y la Devoción a Su Madre, María Santísima, Divina Pastora, entre nuestros semejantes”
Patroness of the national sport
One of the principle missions which we Christians and Marionist is to promote the word of Jesus, the Divine Little shepherd, and devotion to his mother, the most holy Mary, Divine Shepherdess, among our likes.
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