Saturday, January 04, 2020

7 Practices To Help Keep Your Church Young

All churches become chronologically older every year, but why do some remain young, vital, and more spiritually fruitful than others?

There is a lifecycle to all churches, but intentional leadership can make a huge difference.

The point here is not to select and preserve modern-day cathedrals, but we do have a responsibility to lead churches that are vibrant, flourishing, and bring life change through the person and power of Jesus for as long as we can.

There are several things you can do to help your church remain young, alive, and vibrant, even though the lifecycle process eventually continues.

This post doesn’t promise an ecclesiastical fountain of youth. However, if your church is aging and becoming weaker, it can pivot to maturing and becoming stronger. It can have a greater impact by making a few key decisions and commitments toward staying young. Read More

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