Saturday, January 04, 2020

Start Recording – What You REALLY Need

“I think I’m just gonna start recording some stuff.”

I said these words in the winter of 2005. I bought a $499 “Recording starter kit” with a microphone, headphones, interface, and probably one of those acoustic foam mic shields that doesn’t do anything. All in one kit! I was ready to go!

“How hard can it be?” I thought. I had never been to a session in a recording studio. I had never run live sound, didn’t know the basic functions of a mixer, and wasn’t very computer literate. The extent of my producer knowledge was to point the microphone in the direction of the noise. (I had seen that in movies.)

But something about those late nights of layering sounds (after the initial late-late nights of Googling “Why don’t I have any sound”) hooked me. So here I am 15 years later, still obsessed with doing something half as good as the Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds.

I’ve created this “proper” kit to start recording in order to help you save money, but more importantly, time. Because if you’re not careful you’ll spend more time on forums and futzing around trying to figure out your gear than actually making music. Read More

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