Wednesday, June 02, 2021

8 Great Summer Outreach Ideas

Ahhh…Summer! The sweet, lazy, dog days of summer are just around the corner. Why do we call them “dog days”? Is it because dogs (and teenagers) tend to lie around in the summer heat doing as little as possible? As a youth leader, it’s all too easy to inadvertently fall into a pattern of slacking off and slowing down your Gospel Advancing Ministry efforts during the summer months. Maybe you’ve experienced this in the past. Even if you have a summer camp, mission trip or Lead THE Cause planned, once the big push for the big event is past, it’s tempting to let the rest of the summer slide into a cycle of weekly youth group fun and games.


Well, surprise, surprise! The “dog days of summer” aren’t what they seem. It’s a common misconception that the saying is based on lazy dogs lying around doing nothing. But the real origin of the saying is actually as a reference to the brightest star in the summer night sky—the Dog Star (AKA Sirius). So here’s a radical thought! This summer, try turning the dog days of summer on their head.

Move your teenagers off the couch and out of the “fun-and-games-only” mode, and instead consciously plan a summer that helps them shine like the brightest star in the summer sky. Help your teenagers live out the challenge in Philippians 2:15 to “shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life”! And of course, you don’t have to throw out all the summer fun and games—just be sure to gospelize them! Read More

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