Thursday, June 03, 2021

Why Your Church Will Close Its Doors without Evangelism

Many churches of the past 50 years were able to keep the doors open with zero to minimal evangelistic intentionality. That is simply not the case today. Kevin and Thom examine five reasons why non-evangelistic churches will close. Listen Now
A church grows or declines with its base—the group of people who reliably provide support in the form of attendees, financial contributors, volunteers, leaders, and clergy for that church. Many churches that have not taken the trouble to expand that base are seeing the base shrink as the members of the base die, become incapacitated, move away, or stop attending church for one reason or another. The latter, if they live a different community from the one in which the church is located may transfer to a church that is closer to home. They may stop going to church altogether. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the process of decline.

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