Friday, July 09, 2021

It's Friday: 'Plan for 10,000 New Churches Roils C of E' and More

Hats off to the Rev. Canon John McGinely for telling it like it is. Stipendiary clergy, church buildings, and theological college training do limit the growth of the church. We forget that the early church had none of these things, but it spread like wild fire. It is time that Anglicans and Episcopalians stopped tying their own hands and feet when it comes to expanding and growing the church.

Why We Don’t Dump Friends Who Disagree
Where does dumping friends with whom we disagree fit with what Jesus exemplified and taught? The truth is that it does not fit Jesus' example and teaching at all. Jesu befirended all kinds of people. He taught that we should love those with whom we disagree.

Why Your Church Needs to Know and Use ‘Flake’s Formula’ Right Now
Ken Brady makes some good points in this article but we are far from the verge of "normalcy." Indeed we may be on the cusp of a new surge in COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations due to the spread of the Delta variant, low vaccination rates, and the premature relaxation of public health measures.

If Your Congregation Isn’t Singing Ask These 15 Questions
We cannot worship God through a surrogate, through someone else. We must honor God ourselves with our own lips and our own lives.

Yes, Jesus Told Us to Pray in Secret. But He Also Prayed with His Friends.
"Prayer alone is certainly one model of prayer in the Bible, but if we read the Bible only through the lens of praying in a closet, we miss much of the rich diversity possible in prayer."

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