Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thursday's Catch: 'Top 5 Things Intentional Pastors Do in the Fall' And More

The fall is my favorite leadership season. It’s often a time when momentum can be built in the church while simultaneously getting your leaders together to dream about the future.

Overrated and Popular Ministry Strategies You Really Don't Need
Some ministry strategies are overrated, but everyone seems to be doing them. Josh and Sam discuss their thoughts on what's popular but you don't really need. The co-hosts cover vision statements, one-line sermon summaries, live streaming, and others.
I would want to see more research before I considered discontinuing live broadcasting on cable TV and live streaming on the internet. While those viewing services on cable TV or the internet may be largely members and attendees of the church, it is meeting a need. They are also maintaining contact with a community of which they are a part. It may not be ideal but it is better than the alternatives.
‘Believing Alone’ Is a Spiritual—Not Just Civic—Problem
As the vitality of church communities wane, the ripple effects are felt throughout civic life.

7 Healthy Ways To Resolve Conflict at Church or Work
...many churches simply don’t grow because they suffer from conflict and that many teams never thrive because there’s simply too much tension. What do you do?

The Pastoral Prayer: Examples and Inspirations
Of all the elements that once made up traditional Protestant worship, there is probably none that has fallen on harder times than prayer. It is not unusual to visit a church today and find that prayer is perfunctory, rare, or absent altogether. If that is true of prayer in general, it is particularly true of the pastoral prayer.

Praying in Jesus’ Name
Why should believers pray to God “in Jesus’ name”? If we are going to employ the name of Jesus in a conscientious way at the end of our prayers, a proper amount of theological reflection is required.

Your Church Needs a Social Media Policy
Phil Cooke eplains why churches need a social media policy.

Small Groups Remain Key Aspect of Churches’ Discipleship Ministry
Almost half of adult Bible study groups ministry leaders say Bible study is the highest objective for their groups.
If a Sunday school class is larger than 15 members, it is not a small group. The unique dynamics of a small group disappear, the larger the group gets. 15 members is really too large for a small group. Once it reaches 12 members, it should consider splitting into two groups. The two new groups can always have periodic social gatherings together.
The Most Effective Way to Build Trust in Your Small Group
How do we foster an environment of trust where everyone feels the freedom to be vulnerable about where they are in their spiritual journey?

How To Lead Youth Ministry: 7 Habits To Develop Now
If you lead a youth ministry or student life group, these habits will create positive momentum toward spiritual growth.

Our Greatest Tool for Reaching the West Again
We need to keep sharing the gospel, but we also need to point to the evidence of its truthfulness. How can we prove it? In one sense, it’s impossible to satisfy a person’s questions or doubts about the truthfulness of the gospel message (at least until they experience it). But we can point to one thing in particular as proof: our fellowship with one another. And this just might be our greatest tool for reaching the West again.

Overcoming Fear of Evangelism
The main problem I have with evangelism is fear of man. I heartily recommend and have benefitted from training and equipping in evangelism, but none of it can make up for being afraid of what people think of me. I’m convinced that it’s not mainly because we feel ill-equipped that we don’t share the gospel; it’s because we’re afraid. We need courage.

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