Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: 'Frequent Porn Use Is Linked to Negative Mental Health Among Gen-Z and Millennials' And More

Frequent Porn Use Is Linked to Negative Mental Health Among Gen-Z and Millennials
A swathe of laws in states across the country have been adopted to require that individuals who wish to access pornography sites provide verification of age. These laws are premised upon the fact that pornography is inappropriate for children and profoundly harmful to the mental health of users, especially with frequent use. The former claim is not a matter of controversy. But what about the latter claim—that porn use is damaging to the mental health of many impressionable young Americans?
Related Article: Frequent porn use leads to depression, loneliness among young Americans: survey
Trump and Vance’s Springfield lie is ‘another test for Christian America,’ Russell Moore says
The Republican Party lie about Haitian immigrants eating family pets in Springfield, Ohio, is another test for Christian America, according to Russell Moore. Moore, editor of Christianity Today, wrote an op-ed for The Atlantic about the false claims of Donald Trump, JD Vance and other Republican influencers that an influx of Haitian immigrants has threatened the peace and safety of a small Ohio town. These incendiary lies have led to bomb threats and harassment in Springfield.
The Bible warns us about those who spread lies and half-truths for their own ends. For example Proverbs 6: 12-14, "What are worthless and wicked people like? They are constant liars, signaling their deceit with a wink of  the eye, a nudge of the foot, or the wiggle of fingers. Their perverted hearts plot evil, and they constantly stir up trouble." God's commandment against bearing false witness applies not only testimony in court but to all areas of life.
New survey points to correlation between Christian nationalism and authoritarian views
A large majority of Christian nationalism supporters scored high on authoritarianism assessments.

Both Mainline Christians and evangelicals lost relevance by seeking power, podcast emphasizes
White evangelicals have swapped cultural and religious relevance for political power in the hope of creating a society made in their own image, author and historian of religion Randall Balmer said. But faith groups enmeshed in authoritarian causes like Donald Trump’s MAGA movement typically lose their soul along the way, Balmer said during an episode of the Interfaith Alliance “State of Belief” podcast.

The One Simple Move a Church Can Make to Increase Its Giving by 20% or More
Thom Rainer and Art Rainer share a “secret” that very few church leaders know. Acting upon this information, the church is almost certain to increase its giving by 20% more.

Free Webinar — Assessing Your Church’s Staffing Pattern
What does research reveal about typical church staffing patterns and expenditures? And how can you know if your staffing level is right? Tuesday, October 8, Noon-1 p.m. Eastern

Jesus’ Disciples Served the People First, Not Themselves
Whenever I revisit the narrative of Jesus feeding the 5000 with five loaves and two fish, I contemplate not just the miracle itself but its administration (John 6:1-15). The disciples served the meal immediately after Jesus had blessed and multiplied it (John 6:11). So I always ask myself: who benefited first from the miraculous ‘manna’? Was it Jesus; his disciples; or the crowds? The Bible hints that the meals were first served to the multitude. The disciples and our Lord ate later, if at all (John 6:12-13).

If You Want People to Grow Spiritually Teach Them to Meditate on the Bible
I love to study the Bible, but recently my Bible study led me to a surprising conclusion: We should quit telling people to study the Bible, and start telling them to meditate on the Bible and delight in it.

Storytelling: The Parenting Tool You Didn’t Know You Needed
What if I told you there’s another tool you can add to your parenting tool belt? One that wouldn’t replace any of the other tools but, like a corkscrew, would make some hard jobs easier? Parents, let me recommend to you the art of storytelling.

3 Secrets of Best Practices for Church Websites
Whether you’re building a church website for the first time or updating it for the 10th time, you might feel in over your head. There is a lot to keep in mind when it comes to building a truly great church website. But for now, focus on best practices for church websites big-picture guidelines, and you’ll be much closer to a church website that is welcoming to visitors, helpful for members, and true to your church.

Should We Share the Gospel with Our Co-Workers?
Christians are called to share the gospel both in the work place and outside the work place.

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