Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: '‘Confession of Evangelical Conviction’ puts Jesus ahead of politics' And More

‘Confession of Evangelical Conviction’ puts Jesus ahead of politics
A new confession of conviction to counter the politicization of evangelical congregations will generate pushback from Christians convinced their preferred political candidates are chosen by God, faith leaders said during an online briefing about the document.

It’s time for Christians on all sides to talk — even debate — about what divides us
We need a conversation about how our faith will factor in this election.

Character Matters
Pondering your spirituality, and the Soul of the Nation, let us ask: Does character matter? In somebody we might vote for? In me and the other voters?

The Quickest to Anger Are Often the Slowest to Forgive
What we'll reflect on here relates primarily to the former: those of us who are having a hard time forgiving someone who has misunderstood or misrepresented us, who holds a different view theologically or politically than we do—or who frankly just gets on our nerves. Psalm 103 helps us navigate such situations by revealing key attributes that characterize God, and that by extension, should be true of those who bear his name. These characteristics help us by putting our frustrations and disappointments—our need to forgive— in perspective.

Can-Do Leadership
Can-Do Leadership is about more than having a strong work ethic; it’s also about your perspective, mindset, tenacity, and posture toward being solution-focused. The best Can-Do leaders share eight qualities that keep them from getting stuck.

Leaders Can’t Avoid Conflict, It’s How You Handle it that Matters
Conflict is inevitable but divisiveness is avoidable. How we handle human conflict determines whether the outcome is unity or division.

Leading When You Want to Quit
In a world that often prioritizes personal fulfillment and happiness, it’s easy to forget that God’s ultimate goal for us is holiness.

Polyamorists look for their place in church as the practice loses its taboo
For polyamorous clergy and Christians, ‘love is love is love.’
Related Article: Is There Room in the Church for Polyamorous Priests?
4 Questions a Pastor Should Ask Himself Before and After Giving a Sermon
There is a myriad of books about preaching on the market at present, and each of them presents useful information, tips, and methods for preaching a good sermon. Yet, when I’m evaluating a sermon or preparing my own messages, there are four simple questions that I ask myself....

What’s Wrong with Using an iPad to Preach?
Do you use paper notes in the pulpit or digital technology? Which one is best? Josh and Sam discuss the advantages and disadvantages of technology and homiletics. Old school or new school, there are some important considerations before preaching.

Take Your Worst to the Table: Reclaiming the Heart of Communion
The Lord’s Supper reveals that Jesus takes the worst we can do and makes it a sign of the best he does for us. Within hours of that meal in the upper room, Jesus’s body would indeed be given and his blood poured out. This dreadful tragedy accomplished our glorious salvation.

Church Speaker Placement 101 – Everything You Need to Know
Church acoustics matter. Nothing can improve the quality of your church sound system as much as determining the proper church speaker placement for your system.

Why Church Membership Matters
Although we come to Christ individually, we don’t live in Christ solitarily. Christian fellowship is concerned primarily with giving rather than with receiving. The local church is where God intends for us to discover our spiritual gifts.
Alistair Begg does neglect one critical area of church membership in this otherwise well-written article on the importance of church membership--evangelism!
The Key Things Evangelistic Churches Do
I’ve studied North American churches for years, and few churches do well at emphasizing evangelism. Here are some general conclusions I’ve reached about evangelistic churches....

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