Monday, September 02, 2024

Monday's Catch: 'Belonging Before Believing' And More

Belonging Before Believing
How does someone find their way into a church? Most would argue that it’s through some kind of invitation, and I would agree. But what keeps them there? What is it that, once they engaged a church in some form or fashion, has them remain in attendance? The answer might surprise you. For most groups of people, it is not a shared faith.

Creative Ways to Share the Gospel in Your Local Community - Free Online Webinar on Tuesday, September 3 2024
Join David Perrera and Juan Vasquez for this free online webinar to discover new and innovative ways to share the gospel in your local community using Healthy Church principles.

How might we honor those who labor for us and with us?
The first Labor Day was celebrated Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1882, in New York City, thanks to the efforts of that city’s Central Labor Union.

The friendship between Christians and the labor movement shows signs of life
Worker-preachers are back on the move and not just on Labor Sunday.

Who and What Is the Silent Generation?
You likely have some members of the Silent Generation in your church. Don’t take them for granted. There are only 19 million people in this generation living today. Based on current mortality rates, there will only be 14 million living five years from now. Talk with them. Listen to them. Hear their stories. You and your church will be richer for it.

My 7 Strategies in a New Leadership Position
Here are 7 elements of Ron Edmondson's strategy for the beginning days in a new leadership position.

Feedback Attacks the Biggest Prohibitor to Development
Not providing feedback hurts the team and the organization, but it also hurts the is kind to provide corrective feedback to those you love. The goal of corrective feedback is NOT to be right or make a point, but to encourage and help the person receiving the feedback. Feedback is not unloving; not providing feedback is unloving because feedback helps someone grow.

God, Be the Love to Search and Keep Me (O Christ, Surround Me)
This hymn is a 21st-century adaptation of the traditional Celtic prayer style known as a lorica (Latin for “armor” or “breastplate”), attributed to St. Patrick. Written by Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan, and set to the tune GREEN TYLER, also composed by Bruxvoort-Colligan, it is quite singable and would make a useful addition to a congregation's repertoire. It is a good choice for an offertory hymn, post-communion hymn, or closing hymn. and is suitable for general use as well as on All Saints' Sunday and at baptisms. It appears in Glory to God: The Presbyterian hymnal and Voices Together. A choir anthem based on the hymn and arranged by David Sims is available from AugsburgFortress.

Writing Prayers for Others
...writing prayers that are read by the person you’re praying for isn’t some sort of modern idea, but is something that appears a number of times in the Bible.

What the Bible says about being religious
The Bible has some interesting, and for some people surprising, things to say about being religious. This is the story ...

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