Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Wednesday's Catch: 'The Real Reasons the Unchurched Do Not Attend (What Your Church Can Do About It)' And More

The Church Answers Research team conducted a large, national study. After comparing the church with the unchurched, we found new, surprising insights. The unchurched don’t attend mainly because of indifference and not because of busyness or antagonism.

Incurably Churchy
A recent article in USA Today noted that as millions leave organized religion, they can’t quite let go of organized “religiony” things.

9 Surprising Challenges You’ll Face When Your Church Grows
It’s easy to believe that there will come a day when your church or organization will never struggle and you’ll never struggle as a leader. As tempting as that is to believe, it’s just not true. Every church struggles. And every leader struggles. And—yes—even growing churches struggle.

5 Very Real Tensions Every Small to Mid-Sized Church Leader Feels
If you lead a small to mid-sized church, you face struggles leaders of large churches don’t.

5 Things Hispanic Churches in Your Community Wish You Understood
Anglo churches may struggle to reach out to their communities, but Hispanic churches can be incredible allies for the mission of the kingdom.

Separation of Church & State
With much wisdom and foresight, the founders of America built a “wall of separation” between Church and state. Thomas Jefferson was adamant that the state has no business forcing religion on anybody, and that state-sponsored religion is a bad idea. I would say the Church was the true winner (if we consider the demise of government-run churches in Europe...)! While we don’t want some religion dominating government, we sure don’t want government telling religion what to do.

A Call for Tradition from an Unlikely Place
“I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should ever cease to exist either in Europe or America. But I am afraid lest they should only exist as a dead sect, having the form of religion without the power. And this undoubtedly will be the case unless they hold fast both the doctrine, spirit, and discipline with which they first set out.” – John Wesley

What We Should Know About Satan in Urban India
A practical, biblical view of Satan can protect us from becoming cynical or naive about spiritual warfare.

What If No One Prayed for You many people we walk past every day who don’t know a single soul in this world that prays for them? Imagine the devastation of a man who loses his mother when he also understands that the one person who cared enough to pray for him is no longer on the planet.

 10 Ideas for Better Conversations
If you don’t have ideas on how you can improve your conversation skills, you won’t.

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