Saturday, August 31, 2024

Saturday Lagniappe: 'The Top Five Reasons Pastors Should Get Out of the Church Office' And More

The Top Five Reasons Pastors Should Get Out of the Church Office
What gets you out of the church office? Josh and Sam talk about key reasons why pastors need to venture out more. It’s good to connect with homebound people, other pastors, and community leaders. But pastors also need to recharge and share their faith.

U.S. Latinas embrace spiritual practices outside traditional religion
Many U.S. Latinas have turned to sound healing while seeking spiritual practices outside of traditional religion.
Yoga, Reiki, sound healing, and other Eastern spiritual practices are not not only attracting Latinas, but they are also attracting Anglos--Anglos who were a few years ago active in evangelical churches.
Why the Church and Politics Aren’t Polls Apart
Scott Monk reviews Michael Jensen's book, Subjects and Citizens.

‘Wall of Silence,’ a podcast about abuse in ACNA, was silenced. Now, it’s back.
A spokesperson said no one from ACNA’s national office had knowledge of Archbishop Beach or his staff asking for the podcast to stop.

Episcopal diocese rejects 'misinformation' amid claims it failed to enforce 'safe church' policies 
An Episcopal diocese in California is defending itself amid accusations that it's failing to properly enforce policies meant to protect its churches from sexual predators. 
Related Article: El Camino Real Defends Its Safeguarding System 
Allen Stanton shares how he has rethought vocation.

Changing a Sermon at the Last Minute
Every pastor faces the need to change a sermon at some point, even if they have completed it. Thom and Jess share when and why these changes are necessary and how to make them.

3 Reasons Your Evangelism Efforts Have Stalled
Have your evangelism efforts stalled? Don’t let these three obstacles stand in your way. The fields are indeed ready for harvest.

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