Friday, February 05, 2021

3 Trends Pastors Must Understand to Reach the Next Generation

“Communicating is hard to do when one texts and tweets more than one actually talks,” one reader commented on a recent op-ed I wrote about Gen Z, the generation born roughly between 1995 and 2010.

Perhaps you can relate to this reader’s frustration. Young people today don’t operate in ways that older adults are accustomed to or fully prepared for. Rather than conforming to tradition, young people today are quite content blazing their own trail.

Yet, Gen Z already makes up over 20% of Americans and is now the largest generation worldwide, accounting for 2.5 of the 7.7 billion people on earth. If pastors hope to be effective stewards of the Great Commission over the next several decades, it’s critical they understand what makes this formidable generation unique. Read More

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