Friday, February 05, 2021

12 Ways to Lift Up Sunday School during Your Worship Service

In many churches, Sunday School (insert whatever your church calls its Bible teaching ministry) is what has become known as a “Step 2” strategy. These days, attending a worship service is “Step 1,” and moving those persons into a smaller group for Bible study is “Step 2.”

If Sunday School is to be an effective step 2 strategy at your church, here are 12 ways to lift up its importance during your church’s worship service. If you aren’t on your church’s leadership team, send them this post and encourage them to bring Sunday School to the forefront. Don’t assume that people know the next step to take – help them take it by focusing on your church’s small group ministry. Here are 12 ways to do that during the worship service.... Read More 
This article was originally posted by Ken Braddy on his blog. Ken blogs at The steps that he suggests for focusing on your church's small group ministry can be also used on your church's streamed and digital services for promoting your church's online small groups. A small group registration link can be posted on your church website and highlighted in the online services. If the services are streamed on Facebook Live, it should be posted on your church's Facebook page. Visitors to the services should not have to switch sites to register. The more transactions involved, the less likely they will register. It is important to keep the registration process simple.

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