Friday, February 05, 2021

What Is Lectio Divina?

Peanut butter and jelly. Bacon and eggs. A pencil and paper. Salt and pepper. Some things are meant to be together. More than that, it is hard to imagine one without the other. I would suggest that, for Christians, one of these pairings is reading your Bible and praying. It’s a pairing practiced by Christians since the ancient days, called “Lectio Divina.”

Maybe you grew up singing songs like, “Read your Bible and pray every day and you’ll grow, grow, grow!” Perhaps you’ve been a part of a small group or Bible study where Bible reading and prayer were both included in the weekly studying. Either way, it is evident that because Bible reading and prayer are so essential to the Christian life, they often go together. Read More

Also Read:
What Use Is a Bible Reading Plan?
Reading and meditating upon Holy Scripture and conversing with God in prayer are means of grace through which God shows his love for us and transforms our hearts, our minds, and our lives.

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