Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday's Catch: '3 Possible Approaches The Church Can Take To Cultural Shifts' And More

3 Possible Approaches The Church Can Take To Cultural Shifts
If we want to engage people, we need to spend time with them, listening, asking, and answering questions and do so with humility.

10 Important Ways That Big And Small Churches Are Opposites
Big churches and small churches don't just operate differently. When the gap becomes wide enough, some principles get reversed.

3 Ways the Church Can Provide Respite for Special Needs Families
What can the church do to provide respite for special needs families? How can we build relationships, offer support, and provide rest?

Haunting the Father: MacDonald’s Diary of an Old Soul
George MacDonald was a Scottish author, poet and Congregationalist minister. He as a pioneering figure in the field of modern fantasy literature. His best known fantasy novels are Phantastes, The Princess and the Goblin, At the Back of the North Wind, and Lilith. As well as fantasy novels and fairy tales, MacDonald also published several volumes of poetry and sermons. He was a strong influence on Lewis Carroll, C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkein, and other writers.

Bringing a Knife to a Gunfight
I’ve always found the “armor of God” passage in the sixth chapter of Ephesians a rich vein of Scripture; specifically, its instructions for how we can stand strong in our faith in the face of enormous, ferocious opposition. Our spiritual lives are not pursued in a vacuum. Rather, our lives are part of a vast spiritual realm, and not all of it is benevolent. There is open war. At stake are God's purposes in your life and in the world.
5 Reasons Leaders Stumble and Fall
The Church is imperfect because people are imperfect, but the living, breathing body of believers focused on the gospel of Jesus Christ ultimately can’t fail because God can’t fail.

Steps To Balancing Structure And Spontaneity In Worship
Here are some tips on creating that ideal balance between structure and spontaneity, and how to lead your band through spontaneous moments.

6 Benefits of Churchwide Bible Study
A churchwide Bible study allows church members to personally study at their convenience while maintaining accountability and community.

How, why and hyperbole
There are three trends in copywriting that have been so overused they should now be avoided.

7 Tips for A New Academic Year
There is a change in the air. The weather still feels like summer, but the shift is undeniable. We are leaving the slower summer days behind and heading into the more structured, disciplined focus of fall. One of the primary reasons for this shift is the academic calendar. Multitudes of children and adults are back in school or will be shortly. Even if you are not a student or teacher, you cannot help but feel the change, and it is an excellent time to evaluate our lives in this new season.

Faithful Futures: Nurturing the Next Generation of Believers
Youth ministers are in the field of building faithful futures. So are pastors, teachers, and parents. Guiding young people spiritually is a privilege and also a challenge. With all the pressures and distractions teens face, youth leaders play a vital role in nurturing young believers. Faithful futures is a term that reflects God’s promise to give his children hope and a future. That’s why Jeremiah 29:11 is such a popular confirmation and graduation verse. But faithful futures also represents the commitment that young people make to God. Church leaders help shape the next generation of believers. So let’s look at our commitment to ensuring faithful futures for teens.

Little Missionaries: Teaching Kids to Spread God’s Love
Developing little missionaries in your children’s ministry is doable. In fact, it happens weekly in Sunday school classrooms. Young evangelists profoundly impact people all around them by sharing Jesus’ love. By nurturing seeds of faith in young hearts, we empower kids to spread the gospel everywhere they go. Learn how children’s ministry leaders and parents can inspire kids to be everyday missionaries.

Going Through The Waiting
I believe there are four specific reasons why God allows His children to wait.

Start the School Year with Purpose
If you or your kids are headed back to class this fall, that means it’s time to Gospelize!

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