Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thursday's Catch: The Adding a Weeknight Service Debate And More

Should churches add services during the workweek to accommodate people’s busy weekend schedules? A clip posted on social media Monday from a sermon given by James Griffin, a pastor in Georgia, is generating discussion online in response to that question.

When Projects Take Precedence in Ministry
In weeks when things don’t go as planned, do not give up or get discouraged. Instead, be encouraged that you have a fantastic opportunity to serve others and the Lord.

Episcopal bishop accused of not enforcing 'safe church' measures against pastor
An Episcopal Church bishop based in California has been accused of not properly enforcing disciplinary action against a pastor who allegedly failed to properly vet a sex offender.

Worship numbers drop as churches close, poll finds
Some people may never return to church if their own church closes its doors, a new poll has found. The survey of 2,667 UK Christians by National Churches Trust found that in-person church attendance may fall by over a quarter (29%) when a local church closes.
This poll was conducted in England but I suspect that if it was conducted in the United States, it would produce similar findings. The older people are, the less likely they are to migrate to a new church when their existing church closes.
4 Categories of Doctrinal Weight in Christian Theology
Some Christian doctrines are weightier than others. When discussing Christian theology, many of us have heard the helpful quote attributed to Augustine, “In the essentials, unity, in the non-essentials liberty, and in all things charity.” There is much to be learned from this quote, but did you know that many Bible teachers identify four different categories of doctrinal weight?
What I have observed from posts and comments on social media is a marked tendency to treat non-essentials as if they are essentials and an equally marked tendency to misrepresent the beliefs of those with whom the individual posting or commenting disagrees. .
The Necessary Work of Character Development for Pastors
What can pastors learn about their own character development from Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount? What are you doing to become more like Jesus?

Paideia for Preachers: Aristotle, the Sophists, and St. Paul
“No man can give the impression that he himself is clever and that Christ is mighty to save.”

Get Nervous Before Preaching? 3 Remedies
Do you find yourself getting nervous before you preach? Maybe even nervous while you're preaching? Maybe even struggling with fear?

Church Youth Committee Roles and Responsibilities: 5 Jobs for Teens
Engage your imagination as to who is playing what roles. Then you can build and encourage kids’ talents and gifts.

You Don’t Have to Move Overseas to Make Your Life Count
Some of us are called to be missionaries, but every one of us is called to obey the Great Commission.

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