Thursday, August 08, 2024

Thursday's Catch: 'The Marks of a Multiplying Church' And More

The Marks of a Multiplying Church
Of the estimated 300,000-plus churches in the United States, 93% have never planted a single church. These numbers beg the question, Why? Why is almost every U.S. church ignoring or neglecting the multiplication plan that Jesus set in motion for his church when he gave his Great Commission?

Daring Boldly: Discerning Your Church's Call to New Places
How do we discern what God is calling our churches to do in the world? How do we listen and follow with great boldness?

4 Steps for Forming an Inclusive Group
How can church leaders embrace inclusivity and forge intercultural partnerships to chart a new course towards vibrant, equitable communities? Dale Weatherspoon shares four essential steps to foster inclusivity, from articulating the why to executing inclusive planning, and sustaining momentum for lasting change. Follow these steps as you seek to build bridges and elevate every voice in our shared quest for a better tomorrow.
This is an article about making churches more racially and ethnically diverse. Too many churches decline because they do nothing to expand their base. As their base shrinks, they decline.
Church Culture: What It Is and What It Isn't
It is commonly understood in the church world that culture is important because it shapes the way things are done in any local church. Strategies easily come and go, but culture is deeply embedded and difficult to change.

11 Simple Ideas to Make Your Church More Intergenerational
A congregation can start becoming more intergenerational by simply inviting one more generation to take part in any congregational event or activity. The authors of Intergenerational Christian Formation offer these simple possibilities for bringing different generations together.

7 Suggestions For A Declining Church
What should you do in a declining church? While noting that there are no cookie-cutter solutions for reversing a church in decline, Ron Edmondson offers 7 suggestions.

How can Christians first (sic) back against disinformation? can Christians fight back against the tide of disinformation and fake news sweeping across the internet, and arriving at the smartphone in your hand?

How Christians Can Fight the War on Lies
For the past decade, we’ve been living in what many scholars and cultural observers call the “post-truth” age.

Outrage Is Not a Fruit of the Spirit
In today’s digital world—and especially in an election year—it’s heartbreaking to see God’s people become a bickering, angry mob. (If you don’t believe me, spend a few minutes reading comments on YouTube, Instagram, or Twitter/X.) We are not called to be a herd of online bullies, rushing to judgment and egging each other on to defame our brothers and sisters. (Some of whom may well be more faithful and honorable in God’s sight than we are.)

New reports connect dots between demographic change and ‘strange political ideas’
Do you find yourself wondering why so many strange political ideas that have little public appeal are coming forth? Normally, politicians stay away from unpopular proposals. For what reasons are these ideas surfacing now?

The Prayer Book, Memorialization, and Communion Across Difference, Part III
This is the final part of my three-part essay on these matters. Part I discussed the resolutions proposed by the Task Force on Communion Across Difference that were considered in Louisville. Yesterday, I looked at the first step in the process to add gender-neutral marriage to the Book of Common Prayer. Today, I explore the changes to the Constitution and Canons related to liturgy and the Book of Common Prayer at the 81st General Convention in Louisville and propose some ways to think about the future.

7 Questions Pastors Should Ask Before Leaving A Church
This post provides a series of questions to help you process what God is saying to you, leave or stay? And if it’s leave, how to leave in the right way.

Preaching Masterclass - Free
Am I a good preacher? What can I do to become a better one? Am I doing enough to prepare? Is anyone listening? How can I touch the hearts of people with God’s Word? Have you ever asked yourself these questions? That’s why we’ve created Preaching Masterclass—a course to help you refine the art of outlines and sermon preparation, preach with purpose, and lead listeners to apply God’s Word to their lives.

Community Formation and Stone Soup
A little while ago, I wrote on the power of food as it relates to being formed into community. Because of our technological age, which is premised on easy everywhere, we have somehow become less connected. Authentic, transformative relationships seem harder. One of the most beautiful aspects of eating together is in the mutual recognition of the beauty in each and every person.

5 Steps to Kick Off a Successful New Church Year
As you make plans for a new church year, challenge yourself to try something new, expecting God to do what only He can do.

Welcoming Kids on the High End of the Autism Spectrum
Research from Clemson University discovered that families of kids with autism are 84 percent less likely to attend church. This is one of the largest unreached groups, right in your community! Yet it takes intentionality to create an environment that welcomes these often-isolated parents and kids, giving them a place to build relationships, get support, and be discipled to grow in friendship with Jesus.

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