Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thursday's Catch: 'Recreating a Healthy Church Culture' And More

Who is willing to pay the cost of cleaning up a culture of toxicity? It will take a resilient leader and leadership team to discern God’s will for the local church. If God is to regain control of the local church, it will cost everyone from the pulpit to the pew something. Many churches avoid the ‘fight’ to clean up, hoping that new grass will grow with just a little seeding of ministry here and there. Instead, the toxic nature of the church takes hold and kills off new shoots of ministerial growth. Recreating a healthy church culture will take compassion, community, and compromise.

Church Renewal Requires Property Renewal
Revitalizing a parish often begins with addressing its physical condition. While spiritual renewal is crucial, the state of the buildings can either foster or hinder that renewal. Neglected facilities become a source of anxiety, shame, and distraction, making it difficult for the congregation to focus on their mission. Gerald Keucher explains how a well-kept building can bolster a congregation’s self esteem, promote revitalization, and create an environment where hope and spiritual growth can flourish as it fulfills its mission.

The Feeling of Unworthiness in Gen Z—And How We Can Help Fix It
According to new data from The Relate Project, which surveyed more than 7,000 adolescents worldwide, more than 40 percent of teenagers do not feel worthy of being loved. And it’s my hunch that these feelings of unworthiness may stem from this digital infiltration as they consume the internet or their social media platforms, looking for acknowledgment from others and vying for ways to stand out. This, they’re led to believe, is what validates. This is what some think affirms that they are worthy of love.

4 Ways to Mobilize Young Adults to Serve
It’s no coincidence that churches reaching young adults also involve them in meaningful work within the church.

Christians and Public Policy: Be Engaged, Informed, and Conflicted
As we navigate our opinions on public policy and electoral choices, it’s tempting to delegate our critical thinking to others. Miranda Zapor Cruz writes that Kingdom citizens must resist this ease and strive to stay engaged, informed, and even conflicted. By doing so, we uphold our responsibilities as faithful citizens, ensuring our actions reflect thoughtful and conscientious participation.

“Coop’s Soups, an Innovative Business and Ministry” featuring Cristin Cooper
A call to ministry along with a desire to make friends and fight off loneliness led Cristin Cooper to launch Coop’s Soups, an innovative business and ministry. She shares how loving God and loving neighbor led her to reach people in new and creative ways.

VOICES: 7 reasons you need the Holy Spirit
od consists of Three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Father sent His only Son to be our redeemer, and the Holy Spirit enables us to believe in Jesus and empowers us to follow Christ as our Lord and Savior. The Holy Spirit dwells within the body and soul of every believer. The Apostle Paul wrote to believers in Corinth: "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?" (1 Corinthians 6:19) Regardless of your spiritual condition today, here are 7 reasons you need the Holy Spirit...

Charismatic movements in the 20th and 21st centuries
In the 20th century a great deal of discussion – and controversy and disagreement – was generated by contrasting viewpoints concerning the way the Holy Spirit is experienced by individuals and communities and the impact of this on services and worship. That dynamic conversation and exploration continues. It has its roots in the experiences of the Early Church.

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