Monday, August 19, 2024

Monday's Catch: 'Calls for international action on mpox to protect children and families' And More

Calls for international action on mpox to protect children and families
Christian aid agency World Vision is calling for urgent international action after a new deadly strain of mpox was declared a global health emergency. The virus has killed hundreds in Central and West Africa, and the World Health Organization fears that it will cross into other continents. The first case outside Africa was reported in Sweden on Thursday. World Vision said that children in poorer nations are particularly at risk.
Related Article: Christians asked to pray for areas affected by mpox
Religion, prayer most important in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, least important in Western countries
Europeans are least likely to say that religion is very important in their lives, compared to other parts of the world, and only 42 percent of Americans claim that religion is personally crucial to them. Senior Researcher Johnathan Evans revealed the findings for Pew Research Center on Aug. 9, following the released results of an impressively long decade-and-a-half survey.

How a movement to resist Christian nationalism took on Project 2025
Project 2025 was the perfect test of this emerging movement’s capacity to see it, name it and fight it. And they did.
Under the guise of promoting religious values, Project 2025 would not only break down the separation of church and state in the United States and undermine the freedom of conscience but it would also introduce into government structures and practices that history shows would concentrate power into the hands of a small, self-perpetuating elite and is highly vulnerable to a number of serious abuses. Rather than making America great again, it would set the stage for its stagnation, decline, and collapse. The particular brand of conservatism represented by Project 2025 is not in step with Jesus' teaching and example and amounts to an aberration of the Christian faith. It would not only harm the spread of the gospel in this country but also around the world.
On Spiritual Amphibians
Calvin Lane, the new editor of Covenant, The Living Church's online journal, refects on how people are complex and who hold a variety of commitments and live in a messy world. They are what the historian Egan Shagan called "spiritual amphiians." Amphibians live in two worlds, i the water and on the land.

Americans Support Legality of Euthanasia, Doctor-Assisted Suicide
For the past 10 years, support for legal euthanasia among Americans has hovered around 7 in 10, according to Gallup.

Gossip: A Sin That Is Sadly Indigenous To The Church
The stench of rotten fish can ruin your appetite for pap and beef. Similarly, gossip destroys the pleasant aroma of authentic Christian life and community. In a technology-saturated world, where information about others is only a few clicks away, gossip features on most daily menus. For many, it is the exotic spice that enlivens conversation. It is subtle and almost innocent within Christian communities and churches because it permeates and punctuates daily discussions under the auspices of concern and care for brethren.

Catalyst vs. Analyst: How Effective Pastors Master Both Roles in Their Churches
Effective pastors are both analysts and catalysts. Good leaders must accurately describe reality. Good leaders must create a better future. An analyst has a proper understanding of present reality. A catalyst knows what to create for a better future. The analyst helps followers understand the present. The catalyst inspires followers to move towards the future.

12 Tips for Preaching Online
Here are some best practices we are seeing among churches for delivering digital sermons online.

What Is the Purpose of Sunday School? 4 Key Program Roles
Elmer Towns describes the trditional roles of Sunday shool in evangelical churches and examines how some evangelical churches have departed from these roles and the resultig consequences.

6 Avenues for the Church to be Salt and Light
To be salt and light to the world is a simple concept, yet it can’t happen on Sunday mornings alone. The embodiment of salt and light must be carried into the community that our churches serve.

Why evangelizing the nations must start with American Gen Zers
"How can we evangelize to the world if we cannot even evangelize at home?" writes Nick Vujicic. "We can't expect to export what we don't live out locally." 

Why Speaking the Language of Your Community Matters
What your church says matters. So does how you say it. The church’s number one job is to share the good news about Jesus with people who have never heard it—in every way and every language. God wants our churches to be all-nations congregations.

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