Saturday, August 17, 2024

Saturday Lagniappe: '3 Encouraging Trends I See in the UK’s Churches' And More

Ed Stetzer shares some observations and encouraging trends about the church in the UK.

Single Parents and the Future of Children's Ministry
Most church leaders do not know how many single parents live in the community. Single moms and dads are often underestimated and off the radar. Sam and Josh talk about ways to engage single parents and their children. With some simple changes, your church can make a big difference with this group.

How Churches Can Support Christian Teachers in Public Schools
God uses the presence of Christian teachers in public schools to make his name known.

“Is This Sinful?”: How to Know Whether Something Is a Sin
“Am I sinning?” This is an inevitable question those in ministry will be asked. Christians want to know whether or not particular thoughts, words, and deeds are sinful. A glance at recent Google monthly search metrics reveals how anxious people are about this question....

4 Reasons Why You Should Share The Pulpit
Do you want to preach God’s word for the long haul? Take regular weeks off to let God refill your tank and let others feed your soul.

7 Questions to Evaluate Your Worship Service
Too often, we spend little time evaluating our worship service. We may critique based on attendance, but seldom do we review it with intentionality. Use these questions to evaluate your church’s worship service this past weekend—including evaluating whether you chose to truly worship....

Parents, Let’s Not Overschedule Our Kids to Death This Year
As the new school year approaches, many of us parents are already feeling the pressure to fill our kids’ schedules with extracurricular activities. From soccer practice to piano lessons, from ballet to coding clubs, the options are endless, and the temptation to say “yes” to everything is real. After all, we want our kids to be well-rounded, successful, and happy. But in our quest to give them every opportunity, are we actually doing more harm than good?

Christians’ promotion of corporal punishment harms bodies, minds and the gospel
Our primary problem, then, lies in how we interpret Scripture in historical context and then apply it to our contemporary lives. This already-complex issue gets further complicated by how we communicate about it.

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