Monday, August 26, 2024

Monday's Catch: 'Big, Unfriendly Churches Are Bad — But Small Unfriendly Churches Are Dangerous' And More

Big, Unfriendly Churches Are Bad — But Small Unfriendly Churches Are Dangerous
Today’s post is not a slam on big churches. None of my posts will ever be that. Instead, it’s intended to serve as a caution to Small Churches. Friendliness is not more likely in a Small Church. But it is more important.

The Post-Pandemic Shift in Evangelical Church Engagement
Research confirms what many pastors are feeling. After the pandemic, church engagement looks different for congregants.

Orthodox churches boomed during pandemic, study finds, but calls growth ‘mixed bag’
Almost half of US Orthodox churches remained open during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to only 12% of all religious congregations.

Study finds dramatic decline in people's desire to stand out from other people
A study by Michigan State University's College of Social Science found a dramatic decline in people's desire to stand out from other people over the past 20 years.
This development may prove a significant barrier not only to Christians spreading the gospel but also to non-believers embracing the Christian faith. It helps to explain why some Christians are reluctant to share their faith with others and why some non-believer who otherwise might embrace the Christian faith are reluctant to do so. Japan's conformist culture as been a major obstacle to the spread of the gospel in that country.
People need this 'essential' cognitive ability—and fewer have it than ever before, says psychologist: 'It's a major concern'
People are losing the cognitive and social skills they need for a thriving personal and professional life, says organizational psychologist Richard Davis. "We are at risk of losing this essential capability that I call receptivity," says Davis, the managing director of Toronto-based leadership consulting firm Russell Reynolds Associates. "It's the ability to have good judgment, to have insight about people, and it's a major concern."
Like the previous development, this development may prove to have negative ramifications for gospel work.
Church Planting is Changing: Here’s How to Change With It
Church planting is one of the most challenging things you can do as a pastor… but it can also be one of the most rewarding. And like almost anything in leadership, church planting is changing as culture changes. Some of the methods that worked to plant and grow a church a decade or two ago are not nearly as effective as they once were.

5 Truths for Global Church Planting Today
Data from written surveys and roundtable discussions reveal a universal interest in planting healthy churches, as well as challenges common to church planters the world over. [1] Consultations have produced a rich blend of experience, achievement, burdens and aspirations. After much sifting and reflection, we condensed this collective knowledge into five simple truths about planting churches in the early twenty-first century, hoping to spark yet more discussion on the issues....

3 Steps to Clarify Your Church Planting Vision
As honest and experienced church planters will tell you, there are mountains of work that go into planting a church. “Three steps” in any title barely scratches the surface of the prayer, planning, people-gathering, fund-gathering and other preparation that goes into the months—or years—leading up to the start of your new church. But as it relates to your church’s vision, there are three distinct and vital steps to go through before you declare your church’s birthday and throw a big launch party (or a simple first-Sunday gathering) for it. Skipping or moving too quickly through any of the steps can be dangerous.

Forging Faith: How Growing Churches Are Reaching Young Adults
Each year we seek out stories and principles behind the numbers that churches report for the Outreach 100 Fastest-Growing Churches list. This year Lifeway Research interviewed those seeing encouraging things happening in their ministry to those in their 20s.

The little known story of the Bible's female prophets
The Bible includes a number of female prophets. This is the story....

7 Things That Make the Gospel of John Unique
“One of these things is not like the others.” That was a classic segment on Sesame Street, as well as the title of a popular children’s book. It proves again that everything you need to know in life you probably learned in Kindergarten. After all, when it comes to the four gospels, it has been long recognized that “one of these things is not like the others.” There are three Synoptic Gospels—Matthew, Mark, and Luke—with very similar content, tone, and pacing. And then there’s the gospel of John.

12 Post-Pandemic Questions Every Worship Leader Should Be Asking
Pastor, author, and theologian David Manner recently presented twelve vital post-pandemic questions every church, every worship leader (and pastor!) should be asking right now.

Foundations of Faith and the Future of Evangelism: A Look at the Lausanne Movement, part 1
Fifty years ago, evangelical leaders around the world recognized the need to think and work together for the mission God had given them. Meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1974, they laid out the priorities for Christian mission at the end of the 20th century. This meeting birthed the Lausanne Movement.

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