Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wednesday's Catch: 'Your Community is Your Congregation' And More

Your Community is Your Congregation
Pastor Joe Daniels says vital churches focus outward, engaging their communities, not only to serve but to build relationships and make disciples.

“Welcoming Young Adults” featuring Reggie Blount
How can congregations engage in ministry with young adults? Reggie Blount shares ways congregations can strengthen their ministry with young adults through hospitality, welcoming and meeting young adults where they are, and empowering them to engage in works of purpose and mission.

Five Ways to Reach and Keep Guests in a Post-COVID World
Several years ago, Thom Rainer wrote an article about this challenge, and most of the information is still relevant today. The difference is more of degree and urgency today. Here are five key steps to reach and retain guests from his previous article. Most of these can be implemented in your church right away.

You Cannot Lie Your Way to the Truth
Falsehoods are easy to tell in politics, and they can even creep into the church. But nothing takes us farther from the Truth himself.

David French says he’ll vote for Kamala Harris to save conservativism
In an Aug. 13 appearance on MSNBC, David French explained more of the rationale behind his op-ed published the day before. Asked if he thinks it would “send a message” if Republicans lose the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives this year due to Trump’s influence, he responded affirmatively.

Abuse awareness group critical of new ACNA reporting standards for misconduct
An organization founded to spread awareness of abuse issues within the Anglican Church in North America is critical of the effectiveness of recently approved standards on reporting misconduct.

10 Practical Strategies for Effective Stewardship Campaigns
Could your church benefit from a more systematic and effective approach to your annual stewardship drive? Ann A. Michel from the Lewis Center staff lays out ten steps that can help your church do a better job of connecting with givers and inspiring generosity.

Comic Books Reveal How the World Misunderstands Christianity
Review: ‘Christianity and Comics’ by Blair Davis
Japanese anime and US animation also presents a distorted view of Christianity, Christian beliefs, and Christian practices.
Church Communication for Solo Pastors
Church communication for solo pastors can be difficult and time-consuming. Identify the most important areas and learn how to do them well.

The Early Church and Small Groups
his post on the early church was adapted from an original article by Larry Kreider titled “The Underground Church,” found on Dove International’s website.

Young Man, There’s a Place You Can Go
Sam O'Neil gives three reasons that he believes Kids Ministry is an amazing place for young men to serve.
Safeguarding concerns may account for why churches do not recruit young men for children's ministry.
The sweet time of life. When exactly is it?
"I posted this in 2012 when I was 72 years old," writes Joe McKeever. "At the moment I’m 84 and still counting. Could update this with meetings and such, but it seems to work the way it is, so decided to simply run it as it was then."

There is No 'Just' in the Body of Christ
No one is "just" a Sunday school teacher. No one is "just" an offering taker. No one is "just" a bringer of meals to the sick. No one is "just" a deacon. There is no "just." This is what Paul is getting at in 1 Corinthians 12 where he describes the essential nature of every church member.

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