Friday, August 09, 2024

Friday's Catch: 'Women in Acts: Women’s Role in the Birth of the Church' And More

Women in Acts: Women’s Role in the Birth of the Church
We see a profound collaboration between the Spirit and willing women throughout the ministry of Jesus as he called, included, commissioned, and was supported by women. And we see it in the birth and growth of the earliest church.

Rosemary — Half My Soul
Richard Kew remembers his late wife Rosemary who died from the injuries that she sustained in a road accident. Richard Kew is a priest associate at St. George's Episcopal Church, Nashville, Tennessee. His wife 
taught foreign languages and literatures at Middle Tennessee State University for nearly twenty years.

Whose Christianity do Christian nationalists want?
It was the diversity of Christianity, as much as other faiths, that inspired the founders' concern for religious liberty.

Christians must reassert themselves in the public square and demand behavior consistent with belief
Being a Christian is about behaving rightly — and for the right reasons.

Don’t Underestimate the Power of What You Allow as a Leader
As leaders, two factors determine how leadership is understood and executed throughout the organization: the actions we take and the behaviors we tolerate. Our behavior and tolerance aren’t just personal choices—they are powerful signals that shape the entire landscape of our organization. Whether you’re leading a team in a corporate setting, a non-profit, or a faith-based organization, understanding this dynamic is crucial for your culture and leadership development.

11 Bad Listening Habits Leaders must Avoid
Listening is one of the most important competencies a leader can use. Leaders who listen well, lead well. But sometimes even good leaders slip into bad listening habits. As you read these bad habits below, mentally check which one(s) you most easily slip into.

In this Reformed Worship blog post Paul E. Detterman considers how the context in which we worship shapes our behavior, and how our behavior not only shapes our faith but also impacts the worship and the faith of the people around us.

FAQ: Do You Have a Job Description for a Small Group Director?
Here are the four things that Mark Howell thinks ought to be on the job description for a small group director (or pastor).

6 ½ Things Student Ministers Wish Senior Pastors Understood
Sometimes, in efforts to reach youth, we can overlook student ministers and their tireless efforts. Here’s what they want pastors to know.

Help Kids Value Nature in a Virtual World
Our humanity is deeply connected to the earth for which we were made.

The fatal mistake of the casually religious
Thinking that the Eternal God is like us is an ancient tradition with a noble heritage. Every culture has done it, every generation has adapted the art to its own idiosyncrasies, every worshiper struggles with the temptation to pull it off. It’s been said, “In the beginning, God made man in His image. Ever since, man has been returning the favor.”

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