Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: 'Why Some Declining Churches Like Their Pastors More as They Get Smaller' And More

Why Some Declining Churches Like Their Pastors More as They Get Smaller
Though counterintuitive, some declining churches start to appreciate their pastors more. This dynamic is usually unhealthy, but not always. Thom and Sam discuss what they see in these situations. What was once unheard of has not become more common.

7 Ways the Church Can Support Military Families
Your role in the lives of our nation’s military families is crucial. The church is equipped to bring the healing power our military needs.

David French endorses Kamala Harris, blasts 'MAGA Christians'
French accuses Trump supporters of 'viciousness and intolerance'
The former president's habitual lying is well-documented as are his insensitive and unkind statements. French's description of Trump's supporters does fit a number of them on social media. Trump has an uncanny knack of bringing out the worst in people. Whether it can be generalized to all his supporters is another matter. French is not alone in his observation that the former president is having a detrimental effect upon evangelical Christianity in the United States. At the same time its obsession with Trump has arguably revealed its defects just as the COVID-19 epidemic exposed the shallowness of the Christian faith of a number of churchgoers.
4 Obstacles Pastors Face in Setting Boundaries
Healthy boundaries make for healthy souls. Unhealthy boundaries make for unhealthy souls.
Related Article: 4 Ways Pastors can Refill their Depleted Souls
Making Music Singable
This essay is adapted from Neal Michell’s book, How to Hit the Ground Running: A Quick-start Guide for Congregations with New Leadership, Revised, scheduled for release in September.
Lead clergy and music ministers working together can do more than what is suggested in this essay to transform a congregation into a singing congregation..
12 Keys to Improving Worship Keyboards
So you’re playing worship keyboards for your band this Sunday! Here are some proven steps and practices to help you do a great job.

Real vs. Fake Relationships
We are living in a connection driven world. Every day it seems technology is advancing to help us better stay in touch with those we love. The upside of this is that those high school reunions are way less awkward now that we can deal with all the drama before we ever get there. The downside is a generation is arising that doesn’t always know the difference between “real” and “fake” relationships.

7 Tips for Responding to Bullying in Your Ministry
Consider these seven concrete, practical steps to thwart bullying and to build a caring community in your ministry.

Trust - A Endangered Species? 4 Steps to Build Trust with Your Groups
If trust has become an endangered species, how can we turn the tide towards restoration?

Set up for a testimony video
In this tutorial, Stephen Kawakami talks about setting up the right location for your next testimony or interview shoot.
Videoed testimonies and interviews are a good way of not only encouraging your congregation but also keeping it informed of the activities of the different ministries in the church.
3 Certain Ways to Be Disappointed in Your Church
Leaving a church is a serious decision. It's a decision that should be made only after much prayer and reflection. There are valid reasons, of course, for someone to leave a church...Unfortunately, though, most of the time we leave churches not because of a vitally important issue like biblical faithfulness; we instead leave churches because something - or someone - has not met our expectations.

20 Biblical Motivations for Pursuing Holiness
Is there just one proper gospel-centered rationale for holiness? Should we, in speaking about sanctification, avoid threats and warnings and coming judgment and focus simply on our acceptance in Christ? How many motivations does the Bible have for godliness?

Who Is Your One?
Who is your one? One person, one name, one life—your “one” who you know needs a relationship with Jesus to change the trajectory of their life.

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