Saturday, August 03, 2024

Saturday Lagniappe: 'Churches Must Beware of Dangerous Heat in August' And More

Churches Must Beware of Dangerous Heat in August
Nearly half of Americans are expected to experience heat made at least three times more likely because of climate change on Friday, August 2, 2024. This climate change-fueled heat will affect much of the U.S. and extend into Canada and Mexico, from July 31 through August 8, 2024. This will affect Aug. 2 outdoor activities and Aug. 4 worship times for United Methodist churches across the United States.

The Rebranding of Latter-Day Saints to a Christian Denomination: How Should Christians Respond?
Historically, it has been easy to acknowledge that Christianity is one religion and Mormonism is a distinct and separate religious category—like Jehovah’s Witnesses—which do not claim to be Christians. But Mormons today are clearly trying to deemphasize the differences between LDS beliefs and the Christian faith. This marks a significant shift from the past.

It’s Time to Forget “Faith”
I have a suggestion. I want you to forget talking about faith—your faith, others’ faith, even the Christian faith. Here’s why you should take my advice.

We Stopped Catechising
How does the average new Christian in your church learn the faith?

Practicing What You Preach in Evangelism
If you’re like me, then you probably entered ministry because you had a burden for the lost, and you were encouraged by others to continue in ministry because you were one of the few who were actually telling others about Jesus. How can you get back to that place of being burdened to reach the lost in the midst of the craziness of church ministry?

Is the Bible Actually Trustworthy?
As Christians, we are unapologetic about this fact: Everything hinges on the Bible. All we believe, all we proclaim, all we do, all we hope for—it all depends on Scripture. If the Bible is not true, our faith is not true. If the Bible is not reliable, our faith is not reliable. If the Bible is not trustworthy, we are most to be pitied.

What is Accuracy in Bible Translation?
Bible translations differ widely in many respects, but they all share in common the claim to be “accurate” and “faithful” to the source. How can every translation be accurate? Is accuracy a subjective quality? Is it in the eye of the beholder? Is it just a social fiction? Or could it still be the most important quality of a Bible translation?

‘Same Old Stuff’: Focusing our attention on God’s good word
The discipline of reading the Bible lies at the heart of Christian experience. Our daily return to the Bible makes God’s difference for the times we live and the ways our days unfold.

Youth want parents to listen, not offer advice, Gallup survey finds
The best way for parents to comfort anxious, sad or stressed-out youth is simply to let them vent, according to a new survey by Gallup and the Walton Family Foundation. “Generation Z youth report having a deep arsenal of coping techniques when they are upset, but when it comes to what they want from their parents in those situations, listening is more important than giving advice and reassurance,” Gallup reported.

How to Disciple Your Kids to Love the Church
As pastors and fathers, how do we create environments in our homes where our kids grow to love the church and ministry?
As Christians we also need to create environments in our churches, which foster a love of the church and ministry in kids.
6 Things You Need to Start a Family Devotion are 6 things you must have to start a family devotion.

The Power of Music in Your Preschool Classroom
Even if you can’t play an instrument or carry a tune, you can find plenty of ways to use music with your preschoolers. And a good curriculum has great music baked right in! Whether you’re playing an instrument, singing a cappella, or playing purchased music from your mobile device, a laptop, or an old-school boombox, look to music as an influential way to get kids’ attention, help them learn, and positively affect the mood in your room.

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