Friday, August 16, 2024

Friday's Catch: 'Evangelicals make up smaller share of US population than commonly thought: report' And More

Evangelicals make up smaller share of US population than commonly thought: report
Evangelicals make up a far smaller share of the United States population than expected due to a misunderstanding of the term, a new research report states, finding that the lack of a uniform biblical worldview among Evangelicals has negative implications.

Only 6% of self-professed Christians hold biblical worldview amid increasing syncretism in the US: survey Only 6% of Christians have a biblical worldview as many Americans embrace syncretism, according to a new survey.

5 ways preachers blow it during the invitation
Here’s 5 ways most preachers blow it during the invitation....

Why Catholic bishops rocked out to megachurch worship hits
The rise in popularity of music from churches like Elevation, Hillsong and Bethel has helped launch a new kind of ecumenical movement.
While the worship songs from the so-called big Four megachurches dominate the worship music charts, I found that a number of them are not accessibe to the average congregational singer and are biblically or otherwise doctrinally unsound. While they are not as popular, there is mountain of worship songs from other sources, which are far more singable and doctrinally sound.
6 Ways To Embrace Culturally Diverse Worship
We are willing to go outside the church for culturally diverse worship but fail miserably to do so within. So why are we so ready to defer when we travel around the world but not across the aisle?

3 Questions I Ask During Every Bible Study
Good questions are at the core of good Bible study planning. And the best questions are crafted to relate both to the text at hand and the people in the group. However, there are some general questions I ask during just about every Bible study I lead. Sometimes I’ll modify these questions slightly, but mostly they can be used as is. These questions almost always help my group look closely at the Scriptures, work to understand its meaning, and draw out its implications.

5 Trends in Reaching College Students
College students and young adults are one of the best demographics for a bold, contextualized form of evangelism.

How the Presence of God Fuels Our Mission
When we understand that the presence of God is at work in the world, and the church—as a people—is called to be faithful to his presence through Jesus Christ, our understanding of mission is revitalized.

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