Saturday, August 10, 2024

Saturday Lagniappe: 'When Evangelism Is Missing' And More

Tom Rainer explains what happens to a church without evangelism.

In scandal’s wake, ACNA adopts new rules on reporting misconduct
Amendments to the denomination’s bylaws on preventing and reporting misconduct lay the groundwork for larger revisions, ACNA officials said.

UMC says 'several hundred' Nigerian churches will stay in denomination despite LGBT affirmation
The United Methodist Church says there are hundreds of congregations in Nigeria that won't be leaving the denomination over its recent decision to allow the blessing of same-sex unions.

A bad leader has corrupted the Republican Party and churches that identify with it
"Jesus said a bad tree cannot bear good fruit (Matthew 7:18) and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored in his heart (Matthew 12:35)," writes Michael P. L. Friday. "Are the Christians who support this bad leader so grotesquely deluded as to fail to recognize what they seek is untenable and unsustainable, unwise and unhinged, and totally indefensible, inane and fraught with immense folly and betrayal of the Christ whom they say they claim?"
It is noteworthy that the Republican Party has dropped two of its longstanding planks from its platform, one opposing abortion and the other supporting marriage as exclusively between a man and a woman, both at the insistence of its present leader and candidate for US president in hopes that their omission would garner him more votes.
Pour Out Your Heart to God!
Deepen your connection to the Lord with a prayer journal of personal "psalms."

Family Sunday: Great Ways to Help Families Befriend and Feel Friended
Help families develop a sense of belonging by facilitating ways to meet and get to know each other through Family Sundays!

Open Groups vs. Closed Groups
“How do you feel about small groups being open or closed?” This was a recent question I was asked by a church that was in the beginning stages of formulating their church wide small group model. I smiled because this is a loaded question for several reasons that we will discuss here.

Differing Spiritual Temperaments
...we are called to be patient with one another and not to treat one another monolithically with regard to spiritual temperament or maturity.

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